
Slovakia Dentist

Najboljše od 2 klinik v Slovaška

Slovakia Dentist

npr. Puljenje zoba

Najboljša mesta za zobozdravstvo na destinaciji Slovaška

10 najboljših zobozdravstvenih klinik na destinaciji Slovaška

Schill dental Clinic clinic

Schill dental Clinic

4.75/5(4 komentarji)


  • Straumann implants
  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • Best offer guaranteed

Vstavitev Straumannovega implantata€1,389

Kovinsko keramična krona€486

ALFA DENT - all dental procedures under one roof clinic

ALFA DENT - all dental procedures under one roof

4.28/5(4 komentarji)


  • Organize van transfer
  • Best offer guaranteed

Vstavitev vsadka Ankylos€850

Kovinsko keramična krona€400

Glejte si vse 2 kliniki v Slovaška

Pogosta vprašanja

Katere so najboljše klinike na lokaciji Slovaška?

Vsaka klinika na naši platformi je skrbno izbrana in za vaše potrebe je na voljo veliko odličnih možnosti. Najboljše klinike vključujejo:
  • Schill dental Clinic
  • ALFA DENT - all dental procedures under one roof

Kakšne so prednosti izbire Slovaška za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Izbira Slovaška za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini vam lahko pomaga prihraniti denar, dostopati do visokokakovostne oskrbe, uživati ​​na počitnicah in izkusiti drugačno kulturo. Glede na vaše želje, proračun in zobozdravstvene potrebe lahko izbirate med različnimi destinacijami, ki ponujajo cenovno ugodne in kakovostne zobozdravstvene storitve.

Zakaj so zobozdravstveni posegi v drugih državah cenejši?

Dostopnost zobozdravstvenega zdravljenja v tujini izhaja iz dejavnikov, kot so nižji življenjski stroški in materiali, plače usposobljenih strokovnjakov in več. Prispevajo tudi predpisi, ekonomija obsega, infrastruktura in menjalni tečaji. Dentalni turizem ponuja prihranke in nego – izberite pametno za bolj zdrav in samozavesten nasmeh

Zobozdravstveni turizem na lokaciji Slovaška

Welcome to Slovakia

Slovakia is a Central European country known for its beautiful landscapes, including the Tatra Mountains and medieval castles. Its rich cultural heritage is influenced by various civilizations, and it offers a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy traditional folk music, dances, and crafts, as well as outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and thermal spa relaxation. Overall, Slovakia is a unique and diverse destination in the heart of Europe. 

Benefits of Dental Care in Slovakia

Slovakia offers high-quality dental care with well-trained dentists and modern facilities. The country maintains strict regulations on healthcare standards and hygiene, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for patients. Dental services are easily accessible due to the efficient healthcare system, making it an attractive option for both locals and foreigners. 

Dental Work Costs

Dental treatments in Slovakia are generally more affordable compared to Western Europe. Costs vary based on treatment type and clinic location. Procedures include consultations, cleanings, fillings, and implants. Researching clinics and their pricing options can help find suitable options. Some clinics offer packages or payment plans for cost management. 

Brands, Technology & Quality of Dental Care

In Slovakia, dental care typically maintains high quality with the use of modern technology and reputable brands, reaching around 90% to 95%. This means that dental clinics in Slovakia often utilize internationally recognized brands and advanced equipment to provide efficient and effective treatments, ensuring patients receive reliable and top-tier care. 

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • Bank transfers

  • International Insurance

How to Reach Your Destination

To reach Slovakia, you can fly to Bratislava Airport or Košice International Airport from major European cities. Once you arrive, you can easily access other parts of Slovakia by train, bus, or car. Slovakia has a well-developed transportation network, and it shares borders with neighboring countries, allowing for convenient travel by land. 

Most Popular Cities

The most popular city for dental treatments in Slovakia is: