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The best out of 1 clinic in Brno


Brno, Czechia
e.g. Tooth extraction


4.3/5(2 reviews)


Direct Implant insertion€585

Metal ceramic crown€195

See the 1 clinic in Brno

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best clinics in Brno?

Every Clinic on our platform is carefully selected and many great options are available for your needs. Top clinics include:
  • Ivodent

What are the benefits of choosing Brno for dental treatment abroad?

Choosing Brno for dental treatment abroad can help you save money, access high-quality care, enjoy a vacation, and experience a different culture. Depending on your preferences, budget, and dental needs, you can choose from a variety of destinations that offer affordable and quality dental services.

Why are dental procedures cheaper in other countries?

Dental treatment affordability abroad results from factors like lower costs of living and materials, skilled professionals salaries, and more. Regulations, economies of scale, infrastructure, and exchange rates also contribute. Dental tourism offers savings and care - choose wisely for a healthier, confident smile

Dental tourism in Brno

Today, many European citizens recognize the possibility and interest in solving requests for fixed prosthetics, oral surgery, orthodontics, etc. outside your country. Dental experts in modern rooms offer complete treatments within the stipulated time and at prices that will restore your smile. Dental tourism in Brno, Czechia, was becoming increasingly popular as an option for affordable and high-quality dental care. Brno is the second-largest city in the Czech Republic and a hub for education, culture, and business. Many international patients choose Brno for dental treatments due to its accessible location, modern healthcare facilities, and competitive prices. The Czech Republic has a well-developed healthcare system, and dental professionals in Brno are trained to high standards. Many dental clinics in the city offer modern facilities and use advanced dental technologies. Dental treatments in the Czech Republic, including Brno, are often more cost-effective compared to many Western European and North American countries. This cost advantage appeals to dental tourists seeking quality care at a lower price. Dental tourists in Brno can explore the city's historical landmarks, cultural events, and vibrant nightlife. The city has a rich history and offers numerous attractions for visitors to enjoy. Brno is easily accessible by air, road, and rail, making it convenient for dental tourists to travel to the city. Brno offers a variety of accommodation options, from hotels to guesthouses and apartments, to cater to the needs of different types of travelers. Depending on the type of dental service, the costs are even 50-70% lower than in some Western European countries, USA and Australia.