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Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Apical Surgery

What is Apical Surgery?

Apical Surgery is necessary for various reasons:

Persistent Infection

: Standard root canal treatment might not eliminate an infection, making Apical Surgery essential to remove the infection source at the root's tip.

Complex Anatomy

: Teeth with intricate root canals or irregular shapes can be challenging to clean during standard treatment. Apical Surgery allows precise removal of infected tissue.


: Obstructions like calcifications or damaged fillings can impede effective cleaning and sealing of the root canal, necessitating Apical Surgery.

Fractures and Cracks

: Tooth fractures or cracks that extend into the root can cause pain and infection, requiring Apical Surgery.


: Tooth resorption, where cells destroy tooth structure, can be treated with Apical Surgery.


: For reinfections after previous root canal treatment, Apical Surgery can save the tooth.

Tooth Preservation

: Apical Surgery's primary goal is to save the natural tooth, crucial for dental function and aesthetics.

This specialized and minimally invasive procedure is typically performed by endodontists, experts in root canal treatments. A dental professional will evaluate your specific issue to determine if Apical Surgery is the best course of action.

Dental Tourism and Apical Surgery

Dental tourists opt for Apical Surgery for various reasons, including:

Cost Savings

: Dental tourism offers more affordable treatment options, including Apical Surgery, compared to high-cost healthcare markets. Lower labor and operational costs in destination countries lead to reduced expenses.

Quality Dental Care

: Patients can access high-quality dental care from experienced dentists and specialists abroad. Dental facilities often adhere to international standards and use advanced technology.

Shorter Wait Times

: Dental tourists can bypass long waiting periods for non-emergency dental procedures, like Apical Surgery, in countries with public healthcare systems.

Combine Treatment with Travel

: Dental tourists enjoy combining dental treatment with leisure and exploration. This allows them to experience a vacation while receiving care in attractive tourist destinations.

Language Accessibility

: Choosing destinations with familiar languages or widespread English makes communication with dental professionals more comfortable.

Cultural Experience

: Dental tourism offers a cultural experience, allowing patients to immerse themselves in local customs, try new foods, and explore traditions.

Privacy and Discretion

: Dental tourism can provide an added level of anonymity, especially for patients seeking cosmetic procedures in addition to Apical Surgery.

Supportive Services

: Many dental tourism providers offer comprehensive services, such as travel assistance and accommodation, simplifying logistical aspects of the trip.

Accessible Information

: Detailed online resources help patients research and choose suitable dental tourism options.

Conducting thorough research, selecting reputable clinics, and considering potential challenges are vital steps for a successful dental tourism experience, whether for Apical Surgery or other procedures.

The Apical Surgery Procedure

Apical Surgery, also known as apicoectomy, is a specialized dental procedure for addressing root tip issues when standard root canal treatment isn't effective. Here's a simplified overview of the procedure:


: The dentist examines the tooth, administers local anesthesia, and takes X-rays to assess the issue.


: A small incision is made in the gum to reach the root tip.


: The dentist exposes the root tip by lifting gum tissue and, if needed, removing a portion of the bone.

Root Tip Resection

: Infected or damaged tissue is removed, including inflamed pulp or cysts, to prevent further infection.


: The root canal is sealed with a biocompatible material to prevent re-infection.


: The gum tissue is sutured for proper healing.


: Post-operative care instructions are provided for pain management and hygiene. Discomfort and swelling usually subside in a few days.



Preserves Natural Tooth

Resolves Infections

Relieves Pain

Potential Risks


Swelling, bruising, infection, or damage to nearby structures can occur.

Apical Surgery is considered when non-surgical treatments fail, determined by an endodontist after evaluating the patient's dental condition


Apical Surgery in dental tourism provides an affordable and high-quality dental care option. With thorough research and clear communication, you can ensure a successful dental tourism experience, preserving your natural teeth and improving your oral health.